Miyuki Long Magatamas 4x7mm, Matte 24kt Gold Plated, LMA-191F, 8.5 grams


$ 18.00

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Miyuki long magatamas measure 4 x 7mm with a 1mm hole. They are cut on an angle with the angled hole towards one end of the bead. The unique shape gives them a leaf like appearance. They are great to use as fringe in your bead weaving project, or as a design element in beaded kumihimo. There are about 8 beads per gram. Packed in an 8.5 gram tube which gives you about 65 beads.


  • Material: Glass
  • Size 4mm x 7mm a 1mm angled hole
  • Approximately 8 beads per gram
  • Quantity: 8.5 grams (about 65 beads)